How to make Falsa Chutney – A spicy chutney recipe that you must try this summer.

Have you ever wondered what makes Indian cuisine different from other cuisines? Well, that is because Indian cuisine has so many varied dishes that serve every kind of taste. Be it starters, main courses, desserts or even accompaniments, this versatile dish has everything you name and get. Speaking of sangat, raita, achaar and chutney, you have a plethora of options to pick and choose from. All the above delicacies are known all over the world for their exquisite taste and burst of flavour. No matter what kind of food you’re eating, a dash of chutney Or pickles can provide instant zest in a meal. If you also like to eat side dishes with your meals, then here we have brought something unique for you. It is called Phalsa Chutney.

Violet red with a purple tinge, Phalsa or Phalsa is a summer fruit that can be used in the preparation of dishes such as sorbets, coolers, juices, etc. smoothies even more. Apart from its versatile use, this fruit is also very beneficial for health. It is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals in sufficient quantity and is easily digestible. You must have tried many chutney recipes; For example, mint chutney, coconut chutney, tamarind chutney but this chutney is a game-changer.

About Phalsa Chutney Recipe: How to make Falsa Chutney

To start with the recipe, you first need to wash the phalsa thoroughly. Once done, take a pan, add water to it and let the phalsa boil on low-medium flame.

Now take a separate pan, put boiled phalsa (without water) in it and let it cool down. Then, put the phalsa in a mixer grinder and grind till smooth.

For the complete Falsa Chutney recipe, click here.

For more chutney recipes, click here.

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