How to make Sesame Kheer on Weekend

Kheer is a delicious and delicious dessert that is widely served in India, whether at a fancy function or in a casual family affair. It can be prepared using a wide variety of ingredients including mango, rice, Sabudana, Makhana, Vermicelli and the list is never ending. Adding to this list, we bring you yet another delicious kheer recipe for you to try this winter season. It is called sesame kheer. Sesame (or sesame) is one of the most beneficial winter-specific ingredients that makes a comeback at the end of the year. It is said to help warm you up and give you a boost of energy. In addition, it is easy and very quick to make.

If you don’t have much time to prepare a spare dessert spread, this simple recipe can be made in less than half an hour with ingredients you probably already have. So, without further delay, let’s make a rich, creamy sesame kheer. Take a look below.

Also read: 5 Delicious Kheer Recipes For Mid-Week Enjoyment

Til Ki Kheer Recipe: How To Make Sesame Kheer

First of all, take a vessel and pour milk in it, keep stirring in between so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. After this dry roast the sesame in a separate pan and take it out in a plate.

In the same pan, add some ghee and toss the dry fruits and dry fruits till they turn light golden.

As soon as the milk starts reducing, reduce the flame and add sesame seeds, condensed milk and dry fruits. Lower the flame for about 10-15 minutes. If necessary, adjust the sweetness by adding more jaggery or condensed milk.

Finally, switch off the gas and add the ground dates. Mix the jaggery and dry fruits well so that no lumps form. Serve immediately and enjoy. For more such delicious kheer, Click here for some of our best recipes.

Give it a try and let us know how it went in the comments below.

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