How to manage money in times of high interest rates? Anupam Gupta gave tips

How to handle your money? Where to invest in times of high interest rates? All these questions often come to our mind when we plan to invest our money. Your investment in equity and debt mutual funds should depend on your goals and your time frame. Mint talks to Anupam Gupta about money management. He is the host of the popular podcast ‘Paisa Vaisa’ which is about education/finance.

choose right mutual fund Scheme with Principal Investor

First, make sure you have your tax saving options in place, for example, invest publicly Provident Fund To claim tax benefits, if applicable to you. Second, your investment in equity and debt mutual funds Should depend on your goals and your deadline. So don’t invest in small/midcap mutual funds for short term goals. Third, start with products such as index funds and choose well with factors such as low tracking error.

HNI Products and Indian Market Outlook with TrustPlutus

HNI products are customized based on the needs of the individual customer and it is usually a process that involves asset allocation followed by security selection. While choosing a PMS or AIF or Mutual Fund scheme, the structure and philosophy of the fund manager is more important than his personality. In addition, investors should do their own reference checks and consult with advisors before making their investment decisions. The outlook for equity markets is still cautious and time correction is underway; The weak points extend beyond the Nifty 50 index and are evident in small/midcap stocks. In comparison, fixed income looks more attractive as the interest rates are higher.

Whether you’re looking to save for a home down payment, pay off debt, or simply improve your financial health

Home loans are generally huge and repaying them can take a toll on your day-to-day finances. Keep two things in mind: first, make sure you plan for the down payment well in advance and don’t take a hasty decision on selling investments to fund the down payment and second, clear all other debts before taking a home loan Pay off so that you can focus only on servicing your home loan. As a general rule, interest payments on all loans should not exceed 30-40% of your gross income. Finally, maximize tax benefits Use one-time windfall benefits like bonus etc. on your home loan and to prepay your loan. (Input from various guests in the past).

money like India’s leading podcast on personal finance. Since 2017, money like has interviewed experts across the spectrum of personal finance covering a wide variety of topics such as mutual funds, stocks, housing, debt, education, crypto, and much more.

Disclaimer: Anupam Gupta is not a SEBI certified advisor or analyst.

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