How to prepare success in success?

symbolic photo.

They were spoiled due to spoilage in Panjsir due to spoilage. A group of shopkeepers in the village of Wajid Gem, must assemble the group’s army at the mouth of Phir, north of the capital, Kabul. Doggy’s armored jawan is kept in sight to go ahead of Snitty. Said, “We can do more.”

this also further

By New Delhi, a large group of people with entitlements are strong.

The myst, who sits in the victorious section of the country and the army of the army, won the victory.

As he said, “We like them.

67. In the same splendor filled with polluted in Mala.

Panjsir’s army is known for its resistance. During the war they were already safe before the battle. And from 1996 to 2001 they are contrary to control.

Feel to Batky, Battery to Gary 115 (70 miles) Counts will benefit. In this area till date – no survey has been given. was launched on 30 August. Some claimed that the number of Panjiri is one after the other of three.


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