How to prevent ‘Long Kovid’ from these foods. read here

Long covid has emerged as one of the serious complications of those who got infected with the novel coronavirus passed was facing.

The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the world, inspired by the new version, Omicron. This variant was first discovered in South Africa.

In prolonged covid, the patient suffers the symptoms of the virus for a long time after leaving his body. Compared to the delta variant that engulfed the world during the second wave, Omicron’s symptoms have been empirically proven to be less mild and have caused many deaths.

The ‘long walkers’ are those who have been complaining of symptoms that have accompanied them, despite testing negative for the coronavirus.

about seven in 10 covid The study shows that even those who walked longer 12 months after discharge from the hospital continued to suffer symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, lack of sleep and difficulty in breathing.

long covid-19 often influenced People who were infected with the delta variant. Loss of smell and taste, whooping cough, weakness and joint pain are some of the symptoms that persist in people who have tested negative for the disease.

Prolonged COVID can be exhausting and results in weakened immunity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also issued a warning to countries and governments that ignore the incident of Kovid for a long time under the guise of ‘living with Kovid’.

Keeping this in mind we have brought you four meals Immunity boosting things to avoid covid for a long time. It is important to take all precautionary measures to avoid such infection.


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Kombucha. Photo: iStock Photos

Kombucha is a mildly flavored and sweetened form of green or black tea that improves digestion and also helps control blood sugar levels. Other benefits of kombucha include detoxification and blood pressure reduction. Since it is fermented, it also helps with gut health and is great for those looking to improve it.

sauerkraut or fermented cabbage

Regular consumption of sauerkraut can also help in weight loss and can help the gut a lot.

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Regular consumption of sauerkraut can also help in weight loss and can help the gut a lot. (Photo: Nandita Iyer)

Finely chopped raw cabbage is fermented by various lactic acid bacteria and has a sour taste. Due to the presence of lactic acid, it also has a longer shelf life which in turn enjoys the benefits of preservation. Regular consumption of sauerkraut can also help in weight loss and can help the gut a lot.

kefir or fermented milk

Fermented foods and drinks contain bacteria that are good for the gut and can help strengthen immunity.  Photo: iStock

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Fermented foods and drinks contain bacteria that are good for the gut and can help strengthen immunity. Photo: iStock

Immunity largely depends on the health of the gut. Fermented foods and drinks contain bacteria that are good for the gut and can help strengthen immunity. Kefir, is a fermented milk drink similar to thin curd or ayran made from kefir grains, a specific type of mesophilic symbiotic culture.

Kimchi or Pickled Korean Cabbage

A participant prepares kimchi, a traditional Korean dish of pickled fermented cabbage and radishes, during a kimchi-making festival (Photo by Anthony Wallace/AFP)

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A participant prepares kimchi, a traditional Korean dish of pickled fermented cabbage and radishes, during a kimchi-making festival (Photo by Anthony Wallace/AFP) (AFP)

Those who are new to Korean cuisine should know about kimchi. It is a dish made from fermented vegetables including napa cabbage or kimchi. To maintain good gut health, one serving of kimchi can be consumed every day.

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