How to Reduce Oil in Cooking – 5 Simple Tips

Indian cooking involves a lot of spices and herbs, as well as adding a lot of oil and butter to our dishes. Without sufficient amount of oil, we feel that our dishes will not taste good. So, most of the time, when we are cooking, we see a layer of oil on top of the food. But did you know that this excess oil can take a toll on your health? This can lead to acidity, indigestion, bloating and other things. While we admit that we wouldn’t be able to cook without oil, let us tell you that you could be wrong out there. We know that oil is an essential part of making anything, but you can always use it in small amounts in your recipes. To do the same, here we bring you some tips to reduce the amount of oil while cooking.

(Also read: Olive oil, coconut oil or canola oil: which is the healthiest cooking oil? search in this video,

Here are 5 tips to reduce oil in cooking:

1. Non-Stick Pan

Non-stick pots and pans are the most convenient way to reduce the amount of oil you use when cooking. Choosing excellent quality cookware can be expensive at first, but its lifespan and use can substantially extend your regular utensils.

2. Measure with a spoon

We use approximations or approximations quite often in cooking, which is not always a terrible thing. When it comes to oil, however, not using the exact proportions can lead to abuse. As a result, FSSAI recommends using a measuring spoon when using oil in cooking rather than pouring it directly from the oil container.

3. Pan Fry

We all know that extra oil is used to deep fry something. So, next time, choose to pan-fry your dishes! Keeping a lid on a cooking pot can often automatically result in less oil consumption because the moisture helps the food cook faster. This also applies to gravy based foods and soft vegetable dishes.

(Also read: How to clean cooking oil after frying – 5 easy tips,

Frying on tawa will help in eating less oil.

4. Steam Cooking

Steam cooking is one of the strategies that can significantly cut oil consumption, This approach replaces the use of oil. Typical recipes can be partially cooked ahead of time and then baked in the oven.

5. Baking

Baking is another technique that uses less oil. If you’re baking any tough vegetables, you can boil them first. Then just marinate with spices and add a little oil to bake in the oven! Your crispy ingredients will be ready in no time!

So, follow these easy tips and reduce oil in your cooking Importantly!