How to Schedule an Appointment in Google Calendar: A Step-by-Step Guide

Google Calendar is helpful for scheduling appointments, meetings and events. Users can set up a block of appointments on Google Calendar that others can reserve. For example, managers may invite their team members to reserve time during office hours.

Using the Google Calendar feature, appointment slots can be helpful when users don’t know whom to meet but want to make themselves available. Users can also provide people with a block time on their calendar that they can book time slots.

If you want to create an appointment schedule with Google Calendar, here’s how:

Step 1 Open Google Calendar on computer.

STEP 2 At the top left, click Create Add.

Step 3 Click on Appointment Schedule.

Step 4 Enter a title. The title is visible to anyone who has a link to your booking page. The title for the schedule and booking appears on your calendar.

Step 5 Set your appointment duration. To set a custom duration, after 30 minutes, click the Down Arrow dropdown. The appointment must be at least 15 minutes long.

Step 6 Set the date and time of the appointments.

Step 7 Next to the scheduling window, click the down arrow to set how far in advance appointments can be booked.

Step 8 Click Next.

Step 9 After editing your appointment schedule, click on the Save button.

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