HR and CE department took stock of the ornaments in Nataraja temple

The teams discussed with Pothu Dikshitar.

The teams discussed with Pothu Dikshitar.

A six-member team from the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department on Monday visited the Shree Sabnayagar Temple in Chidambaram, known as Shree Natarajar Mandir, to take stock of the jewelery and other valuables owned by the temple. Is.

Kumarasan, Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources and CE, Tiruvannamalai held discussions with Pothu Dikshitars, the hereditary patron-cum-archakas of the temple, and in the presence of the appraisers began an inspection of the jewelery owned by the temple. Sources said the jewelery was last appraised by the HR and CE department in 2005.

Speaking to reporters, Chandrasekhar, the legal counsel for the Pothu Dikshitars, said that they constitute a sectarian sect. Although the committee of Pothu Dikshitar had already made its stand clear that the HR and CE department had no locus standi Calling for verification of jewelery and records in the temple, Dikshitar extended full support to the visiting team to establish transparency and accountability in the maintenance of jewellery. Any resistance from the committee of Pothu Dikshitars is likely to be misrepresented in public, he said.

Mr Chandrashekhar said that a well-planned hate campaign by fringe groups, especially non-believers, is being run against Pothu Dikshitars since February. While there may have been some redundancies, there was no proven mismanagement by the pothu dikshitars. He said the verification of jewelery contributed to the temple in the last 17 years would continue for the next few days.