Hyderabad’s Abhivyakti 2024 to celebrate individuals with unique abilities

Abhivyakti 2024, the annual flagship event of Nayi Disha, will be organised between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. on February 3 at World One School in Hyderabad’s Kondapur.

It aims at providing a platform for the creative expression of children with autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome and other developmental challenges alongside their neuro-typical peers. The children are encouraged to showcase their talents in art forms such as music, dance, painting and sculpting.

Over the past three editions, Abhivyakti saw over 2,400 attendees from across the country, according to the organisers. The event is organised entirely by volunteers, many of whom are parents of children with and without disabilities.

A remarkable aspect of Abhivyakti is its inclusive nature, bringing together children with disabilities and their neuro-typical peers. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of unity, understanding and acceptance among the participants and attendees.