Hyundai Motor has reportedly stopped development of fuel-cell vehicles

According to Korean dailies, the company has shelved plans to pursue third-generation fuel cell technology.

Hyundai has reportedly stopped development of fuel cell vehicles.
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Hyundai has reportedly stopped development of fuel cell vehicles.

Hyundai recently made news when it closed its R&D center for combustion engines and now we’re hearing similar things about its hydrogen-fuelled division. According to news reports from South Korea, the company has shelved plans to pursue third-generation fuel cell technology. The move comes as a surprise as the company had showcased the Hydrogen Vision 2040 concept only a few months back. According to rumours, an internal audit revealed that the carmaker is unable to meet the original target in terms of cutting production costs.

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The Hyundai Vision FK was unveiled in November this year.

Now the growth will likely also pertain to other group brands such as Genesis and Kia. The Genesis Hydrogen car was in development for over a year and was due to arrive in 2025, but we are yet to receive any confirmation from the brand. The reports also mentioned that Hyundai has not abandoned the project completely. In addition to running into technical issues, other constraints are represented by a lack of marketability and underdeveloped charging infrastructure. Sources close to the matter, quoted by a Korean daily, claim that the decision was taken last month after an internal revision of the project.

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The Hyundai Nexo was one of the first fuel cell vehicles to enter production.

The FK concept, unveiled in September, serves as a window into Hyundai Motor Group’s hydrogen future but further development on that project is still uncertain. The rear-wheel-drive FK had a mid-mounted hydrogen fuel cell that gave enough juice for over 600kmh. The FK was also called a plug-in hybrid equipped with a fuel cell energy converter and was believed to be much more advanced and interesting than the Nexo.

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Source: Motor1.Com

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