Hyundai: This robot will protect Hyundai’s Kia manufacturing plant – Times of India

earlier this year, Hyundai Acquired a controlling stake in a robotics design company Boston Dynamics And now the Korean automotive giant has integrated its technology at one of its plants in South Korea.
Hyundai will use Boston Dynamics’ quadruple robot, the Spot-based “Factory Safety Service Robot” for industrial site safety. kias manufacturing plant. With an integrated thermal camera and 3D LiDAR, Robot Capable of locating people around you, monitoring high temperature conditions and potential fire hazards. The SPOT robot can be remote-controlled via a secure webpage that provides a livestream of its activities around the plant, allowing workers to remotely observe industrial areas. AI technology also allows robots to detect threats and send alarms to managers via a secure webpage.
Based on these functions, the modded-up robot provides real-time sharing of photos of on-site situations and an activity log with the control center as well as supporting quick response in the event of an emergency by sounding an alarm on the controls. Web Page.
The quadruple robot is reportedly small enough to navigate through narrow spaces as well as identify blind areas. Hyundai has also added advanced autonomy features to the robot and is equipped with technologies suitable for autonomous patrol services within industrial site environments, including task management and deep learning-based vision technology.
Through a pilot operation at Kia’s plant in South Korea, Hyundai will use the robot to support late night security patrols. The company will also go through the robot’s proof of concept and assess its effectiveness before expanding its patrol areas and reviewing additional deployments at other industrial sites.
“The Factory Security Services robot is the first collaboration project with Boston Dynamics. The robot will help detect risks in industrial sites and secure the safety of people,” said Dong Jin Hyun, head of the Hyundai Motor Group robotics lab.


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