“I Got It”: Brooklyn Cyclist Balancing Suitcase on His Head

The video of the unidentified cyclist was shot in Brooklyn, New York.

A video is going viral on the internet in which a cyclist is seen balancing a suitcase on his head. The video was shot at 5th Avenue in Brooklyn, New York and uploaded to Storyful’s YouTube page. The cyclist is seen balancing the luggage perfectly as he moves with the luggage.

According to the storyful video, “Yes sir, I got it, I got it,” the talented cyclist can be heard saying after high-fives a pedestrian.

He even turns his cycle and successfully crosses the traffic barrier.

watch the video:

The young cyclist is seen wearing a black T-shirt with knee-length half-pants and a cargo half-sleeve jacket on top. The black stroller suitcase on his head appears well balanced while pedaling on the road.

Videos showing humans successfully performing an extraordinary task have always caught the attention of many people on the internet.

A few months back, industrialist Anand Mahindra shared a video on Twitter of a young man, who is seen holding a bunch of clothes on his head while riding a bicycle. The video was originally posted by Prafulla MBA Chai Wala, who describes himself as an angel investor, on Twitter.

Commenting on the video, Mahindra said: “This man is a human Segway with a gyroscope built into his body! Incredible sense of balance. However, it makes me sad that there are so many people like him in our country.” who may be talented gymnasts/players but just don’t get spotted or trained…”

In the video, the youth can be seen pedaling on a narrow road near the village and is easily going through the turns without using his hands. He devoted his entire attention to catching the bundle of clothes.

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