‘I will do everything I can…’: UK PM Rishi Sunak promises ‘candidate future’ for Britain

London [UK]: Britain’s newly elected Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak attended a Diwali reception at 10, Downing Street on Wednesday night and pledged to provide Britain with an optimistic future. Sharing a picture of himself celebrating the festival of lights at his residence, he wished everyone the best and said that he will do everything he can to build a UK where generations to come can light their lamps and look to the future with hope . In a tweet, Rishi Sunak wrote, “Great to be at tonight’s Diwali reception at No. 10. I will do everything I can to make a UK in this work where our kids and our grandchildren hold their own diyas.” May you burn and see the future. Hope. Happy #Diwali to all!”. After winning a Tory leadership contest, Rishi Sunak became the UK’s third PM in seven weeks after Truss stepped down due to political turmoil in the country.

After Sunak came to power, this incident instilled a sense of pride among Indians. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also wished him a “special” Diwali as the UK’s “living bridge” of Indians.

ALSO READ: ‘Will work day and night for the British people’: Rishi Sunak, first Indian-origin UK PM

Sunak, whose parents immigrated to the UK from East Africa in the 1960s, is of Indian descent. His father was a local doctor, while his mother ran a pharmacy in southern England, something some eccentric say instilled in him a desire to serve the public. Sunak’s election marked the pinnacle of his rapid rise to power.

He was first elected as an MP in 2015 and spent two years on the back bench before becoming a junior minister in Theresa May’s government. Johnson gave Sunak his first major government role, appointing him as Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2019 and promoting him to chancellor in 2020.

Rishi Sunak was the first person to ‘predict’ financial problems under the truce and also clashed with the former PM during the previous leadership race, claiming that his plan to borrow money during the inflationary crisis was a “story”. which would throw the economy into chaos. Sunak officially became Prime Minister of the UK after meeting with King Charles III at Buckingham Palace. In his first speech outside No 10, he said the UK was facing a “serious economic crisis” and vowed to earn Britain’s trust amid economic and political crises.