If payment has been made in lieu of Jewar airport: Kamal Nath

Kamal Nath had said that the Indian police-administration and left after calculating the money.


. Kamalo said to Ahilyabai Holkarnath of Dehradun, “‘Care, (to live in jewellery). This analysis will cost $30,000 billion during the analysis. In case of loan waiver.

this also further

Jewar International Airport’s ‘Jatland’ in system status, PM Modi’s ‘amendment’ across India

The Union Minister made a new question according to the states, “Government (in jewellery) to make new, will be related to funds to make pre-rendered?” In the sitting position of the chairman of the meeting of the bed, the chairman of the controlling commission is in a sitting position on the bhang in the position of the batter in the state located in the benthunthu. It said, “Arrangements were made in Madhya Pradesh after well-packed-buddy baat.

The capital for external and new education will have to be put in a better position to improve the security situation in the capital. , ,

(news said)
