If you are confused about career after 12th then follow these tips

Once you have selected a subject, do some research on the career prospects in that subject and proceed accordingly

Fear of failure and pressure from peers and parents add to the already existing dilemma and confusion after class 12.

every student in India Due to the intimidating Indian education system, they are in a rush to become someone they look up to, are inspired by, or want to emulate. After high school, choosing a course to study is an important phase in a student’s life. Ultimately, a student’s stress about grades and labor to do well in board exams will be rewarded only when they choose the proper professional path. But how to do it becomes the key issue. The fear of failure and pressure from peers and parents have added to the already existing dilemma and confusion faced by a student after class 12. We are listing some tips for those students who have no idea what to do next after 12th board exam.

think and research

Consider the subject that excites you the most or is your favorite subject now that your board exams are over. There should be a subject that you know by heart, whether you are in science, business or humanities stream. Find that topic and pick it up. Choosing a subject can be very confusing for you because of challenges from your parents or peers, but don’t worry about it and don’t take any accusations too seriously. Once you have selected a subject, do some research on the career prospects in that subject and proceed accordingly

Know future possibilities

Students should understand that as the digital age progresses, 65 percent of today’s jobs will not be there after 10 years. So while choosing a course keep in mind its future, market demand and financial security.

Consult a career counselor if needed:

Parents and students who are having difficulty in choosing a suitable career should always take the help of a qualified career counselor. They are professional in assessing the interests, abilities and skills of the students. They will assist you in selecting the best program, institution and career path for the student.


After you graduate from high school, you also need to think about the earning potential of the careers available to you. While everyone chooses a profession to earn money, it does not mean that everyone wants to become a doctor, engineer or teacher. Now you have to determine which business will pay you the desired amount. If you really want to work for your fulfillment then many job avenues are always open for you.

List of Colleges

Make a list of government colleges and private colleges according to your course. Get information about those college fees, placement etc. Always give priority to your location at the time of college selection. Finalize the first 5 colleges out of these and get complete information by going there. Find out if college is within your budget. Be sure to check whether a college is duly accredited so that you are sure that your degree carries weight.

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