If you are suffering from constipation then keep distance from 3C

Along with heat stroke and scorching heat, heat also brings about constipation caused by dehydration. The rising temperature can remove water from your body, making stool hard and difficult. And this time, due to the pandemic and our restricted movements, the problem of constipation is likely to become more chronic these days. It is advised to drink water and other fluids, such as fruit and vegetable juices, along with soups to help the fiber function optimally.

While we know how to prevent constipation, it is very important to know which foods to avoid when suffering from this stomach problem. It goes without saying that foods with little or no fiber should be avoided. Ayurveda expert Dr. Diksa Bhavsar advises her followers to stay away from the 3 C’s when they are constipated.

Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya (@drdixa_healingsouls)