If your teen is suffering from negative body image, do this – Times of India

The way a person perceives one’s own physicality is called body image. The thoughts, ideas, and issues that are associated with one’s body and physical appearance include body image. Depending on the nature of these perceptions and thoughts, body image can be negative or positive. If a person associates positivity, attractiveness, and attractiveness with their physical appearance, they are said to have a good body image, while those associated with embarrassment, negativity and shyness are called negative body image. Is. Unrealistic and idealized depictions of the physical self on the Internet and other resources make this highly likely for people, especially influential age groups such as teenagers. Developing a negative body image for it is ‘not matching the beauty standards’ of the internet and society in general. A negative body image has many consequences and can lead to anxiety, depression, body dysfunction and other eating disorders, especially in adolescents. If your child is suffering from negative body image issues, you should try the following along with it.


It is important to know and understand that your perception of your baby and your own perception of yourself are two different things and should never be merged. However, it is equally important to realize that adolescence is a tender age in which children require an equal amount of autonomy and guidance. You should always talk to your teen about your opinion about her body and beauty so that she is confident and gives you a safe space to communicate and share.

love yourself
Home is the first place where people look for comfort. It is important to let your child come ‘home’, and make the home environment conducive to acceptance and love. Allow your teen to look in the mirror frequently, point out flaws and beauty marks, and accept them all as they are. This will help him accept himself; physically and with complete confidence.

work on yourself

Contrary to what you might think, this advice is for you, not your teen. Apart from the Internet, there are many other places from where the beauty of the child can be estimated. You are one of the primary sources and it is essential for you to assess your idea of ​​beauty and make the necessary changes in order to develop a positive body image. Make sure you don’t impose your beliefs on your child.

healthy habits

It is very important to talk to your child about the importance of leading a healthy life with a balanced lifestyle. A healthy mind can exist only in a healthy body. A balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and mindfulness practice can make a positive difference in your teen’s mental state and will make him feel good about himself and his body.
