IIT-Bombay researcher develops computer simulator to prevent spread of covid in enclosed spaces

To strengthen the fight against Kovid-19, researchers of Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) has developed a computer simulator that will help in containing the virus spread inside the enclosed premises. The simulator, which is being hailed as an “innovative solution”, has been designed after conducting a study to assess the air flow inside the enclosed premises.

According to a report in Midday, the researchers developed the computer simulator after studying the data and took into account the airflow around the aircraft and engines to obtain the desired airflow within indoor locations. They also studied the functioning of the ventilation process of a shared washroom in which water acts as a major source of aerosols carrying viruses like COVID-19.

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Professor Krishnendu Sinha, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT-B explained that the inspiration behind developing the computer simulator. According to him, in an ideal situation, the air in a room should be constantly replaced with fresh air for proper ventilation. However, air gets trapped in many areas of the room such as behind doors, in corners, around furniture and other obstructions. He called these areas “dead zones,” where air gets trapped and moves in a circular motion. “Computer simulation helps to identify such areas (dead zones) in a room,” Professor Sinha told Midday.

Describing the working of the computer simulator, Prof. Sinha said, “The model or design of the room is fed to the computer simulator. The software then studies the room and its existing ventilation system, dimensions and placement of fans, exhaust fans, doors, windows. The device identifies dead zones and subsequently makes recommendations for ventilation, he said.

The IIT-B team that developed the computer simulator has titled their study ‘Effects of recirculation zones on ventilation of public toilets’. It has reportedly been featured in the journal Physics of Fluids, published by the American Institute of Physics.

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