IIT Delhi team develops shadow-less, portable solar towers

An IIT Delhi research team led by physicist Professor Dalip Singh Mehta has developed a special high-efficiency, and “shadowless” solar panel. Without the shade, the panel is able to make up all of its share because the lower solar panel is not shaded by the top panels, making it more efficient. It is also auto-rotating solar PV towers for photovoltaic power generation in a given area throughout the day.

“After in-depth research, we were able to arrive at a lightweight and cost-effective novel design on mounting solar PV towers with high reflectance mirrors to follow the motion of the Sun. Solar towers, both non-mechanical and mechanical, are 20-25 percent respectively and are able to generate 25-30 per cent more electricity, while using only 50-60 per cent rooftop space as compared to conventional solutions,” said Professor Dalip Singh Mehta, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi.

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The developed ‘Non-Mechanical’ and ‘Mechanical’ Tracking Solar PV Towers with Reflection Concentration are viable with high energy density for all Indian seasons of the year, claims a release from the institute. Another key feature is that the ‘mechanical’ tracking solar PV tower is portable i.e. the entire unit can be trucked, functionalized and carried anywhere to generate electricity.

Space saving ‘non-mechanical’ and ‘mechanical’ solar PV towers of 3kW and 5kW capacity have been developed by scientists of IIT Delhi. These solar towers are scalable for high capacity with the concept of array (green energy sector).

These solar panels are useful for multi-purpose, they can be used in electric vehicle charging stations and rooftop power generation. It is also very efficient for vehicle-mounted solar tower with solar tracking for power generation which can be used for agricultural purpose (agri-photovoltaics) like solar water pumping, battery charging for tractors etc.

Along with Professor Dalip Singh Mehta, Dr. Mayank Gupta, Virendra Kumar (Department of Physics), Masood Ali (SeNSE) and Sanjay Ambwani (Department of Design) were part of the IIT Delhi research team. The EP Sunsol team that founded it included Mahadevan R and Dr Hitesh Mehta.

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