IIT-Kanpur student found hanging in hostel room Kanpur News – Times of India

Kanpur: A PhD student of IIT-Kanpur was found hanging inside his hostel room late Tuesday evening. The student died by suicide.
The incident came to light on Tuesday night around 8.30 am when student Prashant Singh’s room was found locked from inside and he was unresponsive to knock. Prashant was a resident of Hall 8 (Hostel) of the Institute.
The institute said in a statement that when the administrators of the institute forcibly opened the door, it was found that Prashant Singh was hanging from the ceiling with the help of bedsheets. He was immediately rushed to the institute’s health center, where the on-call doctor declared him brought dead.
The institute said that Prashant’s family members and city police have been informed about his death. In the evening the police forensic team came and started investigation.
Prashant’s body was taken to the mortuary of LLR Hospital. The institute is awaiting police investigation to ascertain the possible reason behind his suicide.
Prashant was a student with excellent academic merit in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He enrolled himself at IIT Kanpur in 2019 to work for his master’s degree before deciding to enroll in PhD program(s) in 2021. “With his passing, the institute has lost a brilliant student and aspiring scientist,” the institute said in a statement. Told.