Imran Khan asks Pakistan government to break ties with India over controversial statement

He said, ‘The government should break ties with India. “Indian products should be boycotted.”

He said, ‘The government should break ties with India. “Indian products should be boycotted.”

Imran Khan condemned controversial comment produced by Now suspended and expelled BJP leaders Against Prophet Muhammad and asked the Government of Pakistan to break ties with India and take a tough stand on the issue.

The deposed prime minister, who is also the chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), made the demand while addressing a lawyers’ conference in Islamabad on Tuesday.

He said that the Pakistan government should follow the Arab countries and take a tough stand against the Narendra Modi government.

He said, ‘The government should break ties with India. “Indian products should be boycotted.” On Monday, Khan strongly condemned the “hateful attack by a BJP spokesperson” on the Prophet and accused the Modi government of “deliberately following a policy of incitement and hatred towards Muslims in India, including inciting vigilante violence against them”. Is.”

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday condemned the “hurtful” remarks against the prophet of Islam.

Relations between India and Pakistan soured after New Delhi abrogated Article 370 of the Constitution Abolish the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019, India’s decision drew strong backlash from Pakistan, which downgraded diplomatic ties and expelled the Indian envoy.

More than a dozen Muslim countries Condemned controversial comments Against Prophet now suspended and expelled BJP leaders.

The BJP on Sunday suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma and expelled Delhi media chief Naveen Kumar Jindal after his controversial remarks against the Prophet.

Amid protests by Muslim groups over the remarks, the party issued a statement aimed at allaying the concerns of minorities and distancing itself from these members, saying it respects all religions and respects any religious personality. Strongly condemns the insult.

The controversial comment also triggered a Twitter trend in the Arab world calling for a boycott of Indian products.