Imran Khan calls cabinet meeting, challenges Supreme Court order: Major developments

The Imran Khan government in Pakistan has challenged the Supreme Court’s decision to set aside the decision of the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly to reject the no-confidence motion against Imran Khan.

ruling government There is a great possibility of losing the no-confidence motion in the evening.

Prime minister Imran Khan Amidst the political turmoil, a meeting of the cabinet has also been called late at night. Pakistan, If he loses the no-confidence motion, he will be the first prime minister to face such a challenge.

Here are ten updates to the story you should know

The cabinet meeting comes as a surprise as the no-confidence vote is expected to be completed by around 8 pm and there is no chance of Imran Khan’s survival.

Meanwhile, the Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government today filed a review petition in the Supreme Court challenging its decision to declare unconstitutional the deputy speaker’s decision to dismiss the no-confidence motion against the prime minister. .

– “We learned that US diplomats were meeting our people. Then we found out about the whole plan,” he said, adding that he was not free to publicly release all details due to national security concerns .

Earlier, PM Khan had claimed that foreign powers were trying to topple his government and to accomplish this, Pakistan’s parliamentarians were being traded like sheep. However, the US denied this claim.

Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party effectively lost a majority in the assembly earlier this month when a key coalition ally said seven of its legislators would vote with the opposition. More than a dozen MPs from PTI had indicated that they would cross the border.

The opposition says it has more than 172 votes in the 342-seat assembly, which requires the presence of a quarter of the members for a quorum. It has been alleged that the government is trying to delay the no-confidence motion.

Calling on the people of Pakistan to defend the sovereignty of the country, Khan last night asked people to take to the streets on Sunday and protest peacefully against the “imported government”.

PM Khan said that foreign powers want a friendly PM and hence they are trying to oust him. He called the political situation an attack on the sovereignty of Pakistan. “We are 22 crore people. It is disgraceful that someone from outside is giving this order to 22 crore people,” he said.

The Supreme Court on Thursday overturned PM Khan’s move to stall a parliamentary vote seeking his ouster. Pakistan’s Supreme Court said it was “unconstitutional” to dismiss a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan. It reconstituted the National Assembly and ordered the Speaker to convene a session.

-If Khan is defeated, the opposition can nominate its own prime minister and hold power until August 2023, the date by which fresh elections are to be held

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