In-person student attendance at schools could drop by 14% due to Omicron threat, survey says

school in India According to a nationwide survey, students attending in-person classes are likely to see a 14 percent drop due to concerns arising from ‘Omicron’, the new version of the coronavirus. Findings of a nationwide survey conducted by online platform LocalCircles indicate that parents not sending their children to school for individual classes are likely to increase.

“In a week, more than 25 countries have confirmed the presence of Omicron with scientists showing that it is more permeable than the delta version and can evade vaccines to some extent.” received 15,875 responses from parents with children, found that schools in the country could see a 14 percent drop in students attending classes in person.” The survey noted that doctors in South Africa, where ‘ The ‘Omiron’ variant, which was first reported, has found a higher number of COVID cases of the new variant in the population under the age of 25.

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NS World The health organization has designated the new SARS-Cov-2 variant as ‘Variants of Concern’. As per the survey findings, by this week 58 per cent parents will send their children to individual classes. It added that the remaining 32 per cent are parents, mostly young children and about 10 per cent of the parents, the schools their children attend, have yet to resume classes in person.

In addition, with 58 percent of parents sending children to school, 14 percent would stop doing so because of the Omicron threat. “Although no case of Omicron has been reported in India so far, once the first case is reported in India, the other five percent of parents will stop sending children to school. Once multiple cases are reported and five per cent are likely to do so, only 34 per cent of parents are still sending children to school. “The other 10 percent of parents will decide to stop school individually for their children only when an Omicron case is detected in their district and after several cases are detected in their district, almost all parents send the children will shut it down.” said.

Before that happens, it is likely that the schools will be closed by the state governments, the survey report said. Mumbai and Pune have postponed by two weeks the resumption of individual classes for children up to Class VII from December 1 to 15 due to the threat of a potentially more infectious type of ‘Omicron’.

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