Include these foods in your regular diet to maintain hemoglobin levels

Low hemoglobin causes problems like weakness, fatigue, headache and shortness of breath.

Iron deficiency is more common in women than men and this indicates low hemoglobin levels in the body.

Iron deficiency is more common in women than in men. Iron deficiency means low hemoglobin in the body and as a result weakness starts coming. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein present in red blood cells. It is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. Low hemoglobin causes problems like weakness, fatigue, headache and shortness of breath.

Apart from this, low hemoglobin can also lead to health conditions like anemia. This is the reason why it is very important to eat food rich in iron. Let us have a look at the foods that will help you deal with iron deficiency in winters.

Both the seeds and leaves of Rajgira are rich in iron, calcium, protein, vitamins A, B and C. You can consume it by making porridge, laddoos or parathas. You can also eat it in the form of tikki in the evening snack.

Spinach is consumed in more quantity in winters. Spinach is rich in both iron and calcium. You can experiment with spinach and add it to your healthy smoothies. Or you can also make soup out of it.

Jaggery has very few calories as compared to sugar. Jaggery is rich in iron, magnesium and potassium. It also helps in digestion.

Eating broccoli helps in fulfilling the iron deficiency in the body. It also contains vitamin C which protects the body from diseases. Do eat broccoli in winter. You can eat it as a vegetable or soup.

Include more and more fruits rich in Vitamin C in your diet in winters. It can help in better absorption of iron in the body. It also strengthens the immune system so that you stay away from viral infections.

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