Inclusive, efficient, accountable – how to make digital wellness platforms more citizen-centric

heyOver the years, several state governments have deployed digital platforms for social security that allow citizens to access welfare schemes from various government departments through a single window. Samagra Manch in Madhya Pradesh and Jan Aadhaar system in Rajasthan are good examples of this.

Called Social Protection-Open Digital Ecosystem (SP-ODE), these platforms bring welfare services to citizens in the same way as e-commerce platforms host all functionalities (purchase, payment, complaints) for the customer. SP-ODEs promise convenience and transparency for citizens, and cost-savings and process efficiency for administrators.

Past experiences demonstrate how the promises of digitization are closely linked to a variety of risks for citizens. For example, digitizing welfare payments through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system reduced widespread leakages in physical cash distribution systems.

However, it also created a new set of issues directly affecting citizens. Data security concerns arose from the need to collect and store Aadhaar numbers and banking information. We see that the same risks remain during the transition to SP-ODE, and administrators should take all possible steps to prevent them.

Therefore, any digital delivery system designed to provide social security to citizens should emphasize these benefits of digitization while suppressing any disadvantages it may cause to citizens. To do this, the SP-ODE must be tailored to the needs of the citizens. That is, they should be citizen-centred in their design and implementation.

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What do we mean by citizen-centredness?

Citizen-centric SP-ODEs will account for and eliminate common risks that citizens face while accessing their benefits. Research shows that SP-ODE can be achieved by being inclusive to the most marginalized, by protecting the vast trove of personal data collected from citizens, by making it easier for citizens to access social security benefits, and by establishing accountability measures. Can become citizen-centric.

To focus on these four components of citizen-centricity, let us recount a scene that unfolded recently in Chitrakoot district of Madhya Pradesh.

Earlier this month, an enrollment camp was organized at the social welfare office of the district to consider applications and complaints of social pension schemes. Citizens waited outside with copies of their identity documents. Each person’s concern was unique — some were applying for pension benefits, while others were trying to identify why their payments were on hold. Citizens discussed their experiences and provided information to each other – what documents they had brought, how long the camp had been running, and so on.

From this perspective, we uncover the four components of citizen-centeredness:

Making sure no one is left behind – making SP-ODE ‘inclusive’

While the same services are available online, the Chitrakoot camp attracted a huge crowd. Our fieldwork also indicates that people prefer to approach enrollment camps, common service centers and panchayat offices for their social security needs.

This is not surprising, given that only 31 per cent of rural India are active internet users. In this case, providing offline touchpoints as an alternative to digital-only systems increases accessibility for those who cannot use digital mode.

Designing SP-ODEs for the most marginalized citizens will ensure that by default they work for those in better off positions. The inclusive SP-ODE will have offline touchpoints, application forms in local languages, and processes friendly to persons with disabilities.

Protection of Personal Data — Making SP-ODE ‘Responsible’

Long queues of citizens for identity documents (Aadhaar, PAN, MGNREGA etc.) are common in such camps. These IDs help citizens to verify their identity and establish their eligibility for welfare schemes.

Nowadays, most of the SP-ODEs provide a universal ID, such as Jan Aadhaar ID (of Rajasthan) to register for any scheme in the state. These IDs are generated after collecting existing IDs and other personal data, such as information about family members. This makes SP-ODE a sensitive personal-data-rich system. This personal data needs to be protected to maintain citizens’ right to privacy. Moreover, misuse of personal data can also deprive citizens of their benefits.

The next component of citizen-centricity emphasizes the responsible use of personal data of citizens. For example, it will require digital systems to implement strong privacy policies and data protection, and to use artificial intelligence responsibly.

Make it as easy as e-commerce , Making SP-ODE ‘Citizen Efficient’

One of the crowd expressed regret that he has been coming to the camp every day for the past one week, seeking signatures for the stalled application. His experience is typical of citizens’ interactions with the social security system. The time, cost and effort involved in repeated visits to government offices make the process tedious and confusing.

Digital systems present additional challenges. In the past, communications from digital systems have taken the form of error codes and often no guidance on how to correct them, leaving new-to-the-internet beneficiaries completely clueless about the status of their benefits. It is not possible to know from

This component of citizen-centricity requires that citizens be able to easily interact with the SP-ODE. An efficient SP-ODE can encourage clear communication with the citizen or automatically escalate unresolved complaints, thereby reducing the citizen’s burden of searching for information.

deer stop , Making SP-ODE ‘Accountable’

Pensioners in the camp for a long time did not know why their benefits had been exhausted. This lack of information directly impairs their ability to take into account the system.

Just as market competition disciplines vendors, SP-ODE requires mechanisms that discipline administrators and service providers to address the power imbalance between them and citizens.

The final component of citizen-centricity – accountability – will empower citizens to ensure that the SP-ODEs continue to work for them.

Allowing citizens to rate the performance of administrators at the last mile or enabling citizens to raise their grievances can help them take the system into account.

Lakshya Narang and Aishwarya Narayan are Research by Research Associates

This article is part of our new series from Financial Explainers in partnership with By.

Thoughts are personal.

Read also: From Digitization to Platformization – How Social Security Schemes Can Be Made More Accessible