Incredible photo of clouds looking like crashing ocean waves mesmerizes the internet

The image looks like ocean waves crashing into the sky.

A woman in the United States recently captured an incredible cloud formation that looked like an ocean in the sky.

talking to KVRRTheresa Birgin Lucas said she was driving to the town of Bemidji, Minnesota, after a long week in Rochester, when storm clouds began to roll in. She revealed that she had drawn a picture of the street to show her daughter how far she was from home.

It was one of the sharpest pictures of him ever taken and he didn’t even see it until he got home. But Ms. Lucas’ daughter saw it and said how good it turned out. This was when she decided to upload the picture on social media, where it immediately went viral.

Take a look at the mesmerizing picture below:

“It seriously looks like the sky is about to open up,” said Ms Lucas, describing the image.

The woman was able to capture the incredible storm clouds that create a mind-bending illusion. The dramatic image actually looks like ocean waves crashing into the sky.

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This picture has created panic on the internet since it was shared. The response to social media has been mixed. Some users wondered if it was photoshopped, while others were simply left in awe of the ocean view in the sky.

One user wrote, “Such an incredible picture you took.” “It looks just as amazing and terrifying!” another pair. A third user said, “This is just crazy! ! Looks like the road is going straight into the ocean! That’s a really cool picture!”

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“I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Don’t know why but I was!” Lucas told Fox35 News, She also revealed that she has since entered the photo in a contest at the Minnesota State Fair, where she hopes to get the prize she deserves.

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