India invites foreign ministers of SCO countries including Pakistan, China for meeting in Goa

The last meeting of the OSC was held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. PM Narendra Modi had come to participate in this meeting.

New Delhi:

India has invited foreign ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members, including Pakistan’s Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and China’s related gang, for a high-level meeting in May. The source gave this information on Wednesday. The last meeting of the OSC was held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. PM Narendra Modi had come to participate in this meeting.

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The Foreign Minister’s meeting of the OSC is likely to be held in Goa in the first week of May. Sources said Bhutto Zardari was given the inscription by the Indian High Commission. It is learned that the office of the Chief Justice of Pakistan has also been invited for the meeting of Chief Justices of SCO countries to be hosted by India in March.

India is currently the chairman of the eight-nation SCO. There is no indication yet whether Bhutto Zardari will attend the meeting. The source said the invites were sent as per the due process. If the proposal is accepted, this will be the first visit by a foreign minister of Pakistan to India since Hina Rabbani Khar in 2011. Khar is currently the Minister of State for External Affairs.

Bhutto Zardari was sent a few days after Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif offered a meeting between India and Pakistan. Sharif made the offer in an interview with the United Arab Emirates’ Al Arabiya news channel. However, Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Office later said that talks with India were not possible until the 2019 action on Kashmir was reversed.

In May 2014, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited India to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In December 2015, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj visited Pakistan and a few days later Modi took on the neighboring country.

In June 2001, Shanghai established eight full members of the SCO, including its six founding members, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan joined as full members in 2017.

(This news has not been edited by ANDITV team. It is published directly from the syndicate.)

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