“India is moving towards Ram Rajya”: Defense Minister Pradhanyak Singh

New Delhi:

Defense Minister Singh on Tuesday said that India is moving towards ‘Ram Rajya’ and the government is doing everything possible for the welfare of farmers, priority, women and youth. Giving the message at a book release function here, Singh said the government was following the rules laid down by Lord Ram. He said, ‘I am happy to see that I am able to follow the path of rules set by Lord Rama. We are doing everything possible for the welfare of farmer, jam, students, youth and women.

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Singh was speaking at the release ceremony of the simple Hindi translation of ‘Ramcharitmanas’ by former Tej Gati Bhatnagar. He said, ‘I don’t want to stuff you. I am not saying that Ram Rajya was started in the previous country. But, we have certainly moved in that direction.” The senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said India’s stature in the world has increased under the Narendra Modi-led central government.

He said, “Earlier, whenever India used to tell on international forums, it was not taken from gravitate. But today India’s stature has increased, India’s respect has increased. Today, whenever India says something in international forums, the world listens carefully. The Defense Minister said that the life story of Lord Ram has acted as a guiding light for the government.

At the function, Information and Broadcasting Minister Akashvani Thakur said that a grand temple of Lord Ram would be opened in Ayodhya this year. He said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the Ram temple in Ayodhya and the temple will be opened for devotees this year.”

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(Apart from the headline, this news has not been contested by the ANDITV team, it has been published directly from the syndicate.)