India PC market reports all-time high shipments in Q3,2021: Report – Times of India

New Delhi: The Indian PC market has managed to continue its growth despite the current supply and logistics challenges. According to the latest report of the research firm IDC, Traditional PC shipments witnessed 30% year-on-year (YoY) growth in 3Q21 (July-September), marking the fifth consecutive quarter of growth in India. NS india pc market This includes desktops, notebooks and workstations.
A total of 4.5 million PCs were shipped during the quarter, making it India’s biggest single quarter ever. NS a notebook PC continues to dominate the overall category with over 80% share. Enterprise and consumer demand pushed the category to over 3 million units. On the other hand, the desktop segment also maintained an upward momentum and grew 30.5% in the third quarter.

The commercial segment also witnessed healthy shipment growth of 47.6% YoY in 3Q21. Vendors from enterprises and SMB customers had large backlog orders for the past few quarters.
Top 5 Companies in India PC Market
Himachal Pradesh Maintained its lead in the overall PC category as it reported a third consecutive quarter with over one million shipments in the country. It led both the commercial and consumer segments with a 28.5% share in the overall PC category. Second place was retained by Pit With 23.8% share in the overall PC category. it also surpassed Lenovo To secure the second position in the consumer segment with a share of 19.2% in 3Q21.

Lenovo took third place in the third quarter with an overall share of 18.6%. Its shipments in the commercial segment grew 19%, driven by strong performance in the SMB and enterprise segments. acer and Asus occupy the fourth and fifth positions respectively. Acer grabbed 8.6% market share in 3Q21, while Asus grabbed 8.5% in 3Q21.
Commenting on the outlook for the upcoming quarters, Jaipal Singh, Research Manager, Client Devices, IDC India, said, “After five straight quarters of annualized growth, the consumer market is showing signs of moderation in demand as schools and colleges start their operations. Physical classes resume. Brands have prioritized margin over the past few quarters, however, to further boost penetration, around affordability, awareness and education for brands to use the incentives given to digital learning to plan their long-term growth New programs need to be started. ,
