India-Russia relations: Russia welcomes India’s position amid Ukraine crisis

Amid escalating tensions along the Ukraine-Russia border, the Russian charge d’affaires in New Delhi on Wednesday said the “recognition” of separate regions of Donetsk and Luhansk was a way to stop the “genocide” being carried out by Ukrainian authorities. It was a long pending issue. Additionally, Russia on Wednesday welcomed India’s “independent position” on the Ukraine crisis and said its views on the issue at the UN Security Council reflect the special and privileged strategic partnership between the two countries. The Deputy Head of Mission of the Russian Embassy in Delhi said, “We look forward to continuing our partnership at the same level that we enjoy today, especially with the recent Russian-Indian bilateral summit in December 2021.” Take a look at the results.”

Russian Deputy Chief of Mission Roman Babushkin said India is playing an important role as a responsible global power and it takes an “free and balanced” approach to global affairs.

“We welcome India’s independent status, which it took twice in the UN Security Council,” he told an online media briefing.

“Indian activities at the UN Security Council fully reflect the merit of our special and privileged strategic partnership,” he said.

Amid escalating tensions between Moscow and the West after Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the two separate Ukrainian territories as independent states, India on Monday night called for “restraint on all sides” at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. “Called.

It stressed that the immediate priority is to “reduce tensions” while taking into account the legitimate security interests of all countries and aim to achieve long-term peace and stability in the region and beyond.

“The Russian-India partnership is based on a strong and solid foundation. It is based on mutual trust,” Babushkin said. “Our cooperation does not represent any threat to anyone and at the same time we continue to walk shoulder to shoulder to establish a just and equitable multipolar world,” he said, expressing hope that the intensity of India-Russia relations will be at this point. The level will remain like this. On the overall crisis in Ukraine, the Russian diplomat alleged that the Western powers were trying to destabilize the region.

(with inputs from agencies)

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