India set to achieve 200 crore COVID vaccination milestone Here’s how it all started and the story so far

Last Update: 16 July 2022, 23:56 IST

A health worker vaccinates a person with a booster dose of the Kovidshield vaccine at an immunization camp in New Delhi on Friday. (Image credit: Prakash Singh/AFP)

The countdown began earlier in the day as health ministry data showed that India’s cumulative vaccination coverage had crossed Rs 199.71 crore.

India is on the verge of delivering 200 crore Kovid-19 vaccine doses. Ahead of India achieving the new milestone of what the Union government called the “biggest vaccine campaign”, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya tweeted that history was about to be made under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.

The countdown to two billion doses began on Saturday as health ministry data showed India’s cumulative vaccination coverage stood at over 199.71 million a day.

According to the health ministry data available at 10 am, over 3.79 crore first doses have been administered in the age group of 12 to 14 years, and more than 193.53 crore vaccine doses have been provided to states and union territories.

As part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ marking 75 years of India’s independence, the Center on Friday announced that a booster dose would be available free of cost for 75 days. During this time period, door-to-door special vaccination camps have been started to give booster dose to maximum number of beneficiaries.

Data shows that over 13.3 lakh precautionary doses were given to beneficiaries in the age group of 18 to 59 years till 10 pm on Friday. Most of these were free of cost as part of a 75-day special campaign aimed at promoting precautionary dosing among the eligible population.

Here’s what you need to know about India’s massive COVID-19 vaccination campaign:

  • July 15, 2022: India Launched ‘Covid Vaccination Amrit Mahotsav’ to provide free precautionary doses to all people aged 18 years and above at government immunization centres.
  • March 16, 2022: Vaccination of children 12 to 14 years
  • 10 January 2022: India begins providing preventive doses to healthcare workers, frontline workers and people aged 60 years and above with comorbidities
  • 3 January 2022: Kovid vaccination started for adolescents in the age group of 15 to 18 years
  • October 21, 2021: India crosses the milestone of vaccination of 100 crore people
  • May 1, 2021: 1. Vaccination campaign expanded by allowing all people above
  • April 1, 2021: Center 45. Started vaccination for all people over the age of
  • March 1, 2021: In the next phase, people above 60 years of age and 45 years and above with specified comorbidities were vaccinated.
  • February 2, 2021: vaccination of frontline workers started
  • January 16, 2021: India’s Phased Immunization Campaign Begins with First Phase Vaccination of Health Workers

    (with PTI inputs)

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