India sets record with 20 million covid jobs in a single day

India on Friday administered over 20 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, setting a record and furthering the objective of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s Vaccine Service campaign.

Senior government officials said the country aims to achieve 1 billion cumulative vaccinations by October 10.

“I acknowledge our doctors, innovators, administrators, nurses, health care and all frontline workers who have worked hard to make the vaccination campaign a success. Let us promote vaccination to defeat COVID-19,” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Mansukh Mandaviya, who visited Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi, congratulated the healthcare workers who played a vital role in dispensing more than 20 million doses a day.

“With your efforts, the country has been able to achieve this milestone,” he said.

The Minister celebrated the achievement with all the health workers engaged in the vaccination drive at Safdarjung Hospital.

The World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office (WHO SEARO) congratulated India for reaching the milestone.

According to a separate statement by the health ministry, states and union territories have received over 777.7 million vaccine doses so far from the central government and through the direct state procurement channel. The Center said there are over 61.7 million untested vaccines in states and union territories.

On completion of 100% first dose coverage for the adult population in Goa, Modi will interact with health workers and beneficiaries of the COVID vaccination program via videoconferencing on Saturday at 10.30 am.

Successful immunization coverage as a result of the state government’s efforts includes organization of successive vaccine festivals for community mobilization and grassroots outreach, targeted immunizations for priority groups such as workplaces, old age homes and vaccination for differently-abled people, as well as immunization programs for the differently-abled. Continuous community engagement to clear doubts and apprehensions.

The state also faced challenges like Cyclone Touke to ensure rapid vaccination coverage. Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant will also be present on the occasion.

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