India-South Korea enhance bilateral partnership

Seoul has great potential to be the fourth pillar in New Delhi’s Indo-Pacific strategy

Seoul has great potential to be the fourth pillar in New Delhi’s Indo-Pacific strategy

Indo-Pacific unrest has reached an all-time high, where it confronts diverse foreign policy challenges in the United States and Europe. At a time when the international rules-based order is increasingly opposed, the options available to governments in foreign, economic and security policy areas (including maritime security) are under severe strain.

from drift to shift

During the past five years, India and South Korea have experienced considerable variation in their respective national objectives. There was a clear drift by South Korea away from multilateral security initiatives led by the United States, such as the Quad (USA, Australia, India and Japan); Meanwhile, India is actively participating in them.

The newly elected Korean President, Eun Suk Yeol has brought about a paradigm shift in South Korean foreign and security policies. He has proposed that South Korea should step up to a “global decisive state, anchored in liberal values ​​and a rules-based order” that will “advance freedom, peace and prosperity through liberal democratic values ​​and adequate cooperation.” enhances”. South Korea’s renewed desire to become a global decisive state and play an active role in regional affairs is bound to create many opportunities for a multi-pronged India-Korea partnership.

In the past few years, India and South Korea have faced serious setbacks in their economic ties. Trade between the two countries was sluggish and there was no major flow of South Korean investment into India. India and South Korea were also trying to upgrade their Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) agreement, but to no avail.

correcting China’s tilt

A change in South Korea’s strategic policy to correct its heavy leaning towards China is bound to bring new economic opportunities for both countries. The two countries will now be in a better position to understand and accommodate each other’s business investment and supply chain needs. The trade target of $50 billion by 2030, which seemed impossible a few months ago, is now within reach.

The emerging strategic alignment is creating a new convergence and closer synergy of capabilities in new areas of economic cooperation such as public health, green development, digital connectivity and trade.

In 2020, India and South Korea signed a roadmap for defense industry cooperation between the Republic of India and the Republic of Korea (ROK) deal. However, due to the lack of political and strategic alignment, nothing came of it. With the strategic shift in South Korea’s defense orientation, new avenues of cooperation for defense and security have emerged. Advanced defense technologies and modern warfare systems are the new domain for the next level of defense cooperation between the two countries.

Indo-Pacific Outlook

South Korea’s participation in additional maritime security activities in the Indian Ocean, such as the annual Malabar and other exercises with the Quad countries, will further strengthen India’s naval footprint in the Indo-Pacific region. Japan and South Korea clashed during Moon Jae-in’s presidency in Korea. There was little room for strengthening trilateral security dialogue in the region between India, South Korea and Japan. The change in South Korean policies will enable a stronger India, South Korea and Japan defense policy coordination that can effectively formulate new joint regional security policies.

India has developed excellent strategic partnerships with Japan, Vietnam and Australia. Unfortunately, so far South Korea has not received the same level of attention from the Indian establishment. It needs to be changed. South Korea could be the fourth pillar in India’s Indo-Pacific strategy along with Japan, Australia and Vietnam. It can bring a paradigm shift in India’s position and influence in the region.

The time has come to strategically enhance the bilateral partnership between India and South Korea at the level of political, diplomatic and security. With South Korea emerging as a leader in critical technologies, cyber security and cyber capacity building, outer space and space situational awareness capabilities, South Korea can contribute greatly to enhancing India’s core strengths in the Indo-Pacific.

However, the current emerging alignment between India and South Korea, which has the potential to bring the two countries closer together, may prove to be short-lived if due attention is not given to the multi-pronged challenges it faces. The Chinese leadership has been adversely affected by the policy changes brought about by the Yun administration. The real challenge for global geopolitics is this: can South Korea withstand the inevitable Chinese pressure and hold on to its new alignment?

US Factor, North Korea

As Republicans regain strength in domestic politics in America, we need to consider what will happen if former US President Donald Trump returns to power in the next elections. Mr Trump was unconvinced about the relevance of the US-Korea partnership and discussed the withdrawal of US forces from South Korea.

At one point Mr Trump’s threat to leave ties with South Korea was genuine. The situation was halted by Mr. Yoon’s dynamism who encouraged all major powers to support South Korea’s stand for stability and peace.

South Korea’s peace process with North Korea has completely collapsed. As North Korea conducts more missile and nuclear tests in the coming days, it could escalate regional tensions. Any breakout of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula could derail South Korea’s Indo-Pacific project.

During the Moon Presidency, South Korea was forced to sign a “no three” agreement with China. Under this agreement, Korea agreed to: no additional Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) deployments; There is no participation in the US missile defense network, and no establishment of a trilateral military alliance with the US and Japan.

India can help South Korea face Chinese pressure and North Korean threats. An independent, strong and democratic South Korea can be a long-term partner with India, adding significant value to India’s Indo-Pacific strategy. This new partnership can have long-term positive implications for both the countries and the Indo-Pacific region. This is an opportunity that no country can miss.

Lakhwinder Singh is the Director of Peace and Security Studies at the Asia Institute in Seoul, South Korea. Lieutenant General Arvinder Singh Lamba, former Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army, heads the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies. He is an analyst on strategic affairs, security strategy, military diplomacy and international relations.