India, US have ‘one mind and one vision’: Sherman on Afghanistan

India’s security concerns will be “first and foremost” and “front and center” for Washington, US Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said on Wednesday on New Delhi’s fears about the outbreak of terrorist activities from Afghanistan.

Ms Sherman, who held talks with Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla and NSA Ajit Doval, also said that India and the US have “one mind and one perspective” on Afghanistan’s development.

Noting that the US appreciates India’s concerns over the spread of terrorism from Afghanistan, he told a select group of reporters that Washington would prepare a strong program for “over-the-horizon” (OTH) capability for Afghanistan. but not explained in detail about it.

The US Deputy Secretary of State said that both India and the US have a common vision on the way forward in Afghanistan which includes ensuring an inclusive Taliban government and that Afghanistan should not become a safe haven for terrorists.

He also stressed the need for safe and orderly travel for those who wish to leave Afghanistan and ensure respect for human rights.

The senior US official said the Taliban must act, not just utter words, and that no country is in a hurry to recognize or legitimize the regime in Kabul.

He said the Afghan people needed to be helped.

Ms Sherman arrived here on Tuesday on a three-day visit.


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