Indian US Congressman supports bipartisan bill to end aging of Indian immigrants – Times of India

Last week, Indian American Democratic Congressman Ami Bera from California with Congresswoman Deborah Ross; Senator Alex pedillaAnd managing committee Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin calls for passage AmericaThe Children’s Act, a bipartisan law that would protect documentary streamers who are dependents of long-term nonimmigrant visa holders, from aging the system when they turn 21. Stories and Advocacy on Bill’s behalf, last Wednesday.
“We are a country of immigrants, generation after generation bringing with us our heritage, our culture, our religion, our traditions – all woven together. That’s the strength of America, and that’s what it’s about, Congressman Bera said. “We have to fix this flaw in our immigration system. We should welcome these children to be part of that next generation to take our country forward.”
A group of 40 young members of Improve the Dream came from across the country United States of america Capital for Advocacy. Improve the Dream is a youth led organization founded by Deep PatelThose who advocate for the children of legal immigrants who grew up in the United States but have no clear path to citizenship because they “age” out of the system at age 21. He is often referred to as the documented dreamer.
Over 20 young immigrants from Improve the Dream visit White for the first time House Last week and met with senior immigration administrators to discuss the issue of aging and green card backlogs for affected youth. They were able to tell their stories not only to the executive office, but also to their legislators – the Congressmen representing them. Through his advocacy, he met senators and representatives from Indiana, Florida, Iowa, and other states.
“Document dreamers grow up in our communities, go to our schools, and learn with our kids. They love our country and want to give back to the people and places that raised them,” Congresswoman Ross said at a news conference with members of The Dream held at the Capitol, which is the seat of the US House of Representatives. “These inspiring young people represent the very best of America. It has been a privilege to work with them—and with my colleagues in the House and Senate—to design the bipartisan, bicameral law that will positively impact so many promising lives.” Let’s give documented dreamers a chance to live in the country they love and call home.”
“Our broken immigration system is failing to meet the needs of America in the 21st century,” Senator Padilla said. “A major failure of the broken immigration system is the lack of protection for documented dreamers. For these young people, who came in legally, turning 21 means facing an impossible choice – either with their families. Leaving and self-exile to a country you can barely remember or live in the United States unspecified and in the shadows. We will not give up because documented dreamers and millions of other immigrants deserve better. ”
“These are young people educated in the United States, raised in this country, and looking to the future in this country,” said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Durbin. “But our immigration system is built on the premise that they are undocumented and not eligible for citizenship status. We want to change that with this bill. We want to say to them and to many people like them: We want that You are part of America’s future. If your choice is to be part of America’s future, we welcome you. We need you.”
Deep Patel, founder of Improve the Dream, said the organization was started with the vision that all children growing up in the United States should have a clear path to citizenship and that the passage of America’s Children’s Act would end aging And the vision will be brought to life. , “Thanks, Congressman” Deborah Rossi For us to support the cause, and for Senator Padilla to lead it in the Senate. You all have given us a ray of hope to achieve the American dream, and your dedicated support is the reason we hope to one day be recognized as something we have long realized – American For being. ,
More than 200,000 children and young adults are living in the United States as dependents of long-term nonimmigrant visa holders (including H-1B, L-1, E-1 and E-2 workers). These individuals grow up in the United States, attend American schools, and graduate from American universities. Because they have maintained legal status, documented dreamers are not eligible for protection. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy or the work authority that accompanies it. Last July, Representatives Ross, Marinette Miller-Meeks, Raja Krishnamurthy, and Andy Kim introduced the bipartisan America’s Children Act in the House and companion legislation was introduced in the Senate by Senators Padilla and Rand Paul. If passed, the bill would end aging permanently and provide a path to permanent residency for these young people.