India’s Climate Essentials

For public pressure to drive climate action, we need to consider climate disasters largely man-made.

For public pressure to drive climate action, we need to consider climate disasters largely man-made.

In the absence of COVID-19, climate change-induced disasters would have been India’s biggest red alert in recent years. The scorching heat scorched Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and New Delhi this year; Torrential rains in South India in 2021; And the super cyclone Amphan that hit West Bengal and Odisha in 2020 is a symbol of man-made climate change. But India, like elsewhere, still attributes these devastations to the wrath of Mother Nature rather than anthropogenic global warming.

Indian Ocean temperatures have increased by more than 1 degree Celsius since the 1950s, increasing extreme weather events. India is the fourth most affected country in climate migration. Heat waves in India have killed an estimated 17,000 people since the 1970s. According to an estimate, if global warming exceeds 2°C, the loss of workers from rising heat could reach Rs 1.6 lakh crore annually, with India being the worst affected. India needs a two-part approach: one, to adapt to climate impacts by building resilience against weather extremes, and second, to reduce environmental destruction to prevent climate change from becoming more deadly.

climate resilience

There are severe heat waves in many areas of India. Deforestation and land degradation increase heatwaves, which also exacerbate fires. Agriculture, being water-intensive, does not do well in heat-prone areas. One solution is to promote agricultural practices that are not water-intensive and to support afforestation which has a beneficial effect on warming. Financial transfers can be targeted to help farmers plant trees and buy equipment – ​​for example, for drip irrigation that reduces heavy water use. Insurance plans may transfer some of the risks of extreme heat faced by industrial, construction and agricultural workers to insurers.

Climate-resilient agriculture demands diversification – for example, the cultivation of multiple crops on the same farm. More localized food production will be needed. Weather based crop insurance will help.

Floods and storms have been worsened by huge sea inlet and beach erosion in low-lying areas to the south. Southern states need stronger guidelines to avoid construction in places with drainage. It is important to map flood-risk areas to manage vulnerable areas. Environmental impact assessment should be mandatory for commercial projects.

There are few flood resistant houses built on pillars in Kerala. Communities can build round shaped houses considering the optimum aerodynamic orientation to reduce the force of the winds. Many sloping roofs can stand up well in strong winds, and central shafts reduce wind pressure on the roof by sucking in air from the outside.

Arresting Runaway Climate Change

Adaptation alone will not slow climate damage if the warming of sea-level temperatures is not countered. Major emitters, including India, should move away from fossil fuels. But climate mitigation is slow everywhere due to a lack of political will. India has made slow progress in choosing 2070 as its target of net zero emissions.

Meanwhile, a large part of climate action lies in protecting and expanding forest coverage. The regulation needs to be tightened and enforced to ensure forest conservation while acquiring land. India has benefited from being a part of the Glasgow Declaration on Forest Conservation, which was signed by 141 countries in 2021.

Management of dams can increase glacier lake rupture and flooding. About 295 dams in India are more than 100 years old and in need of repair. In order to prevent landslides in Uttarakhand, the regulations should prohibit the construction of dams on steep slopes and eco-fragile areas as well as hill mobility, sand mining and quarrying. Dams in southern states can control floods, but only when operated year-round to anticipate the need to control flows during floods.

India’s share in disaster management should be increased to 2.5% of GDP. Climate finance is best suited for large-scale global funding from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank. But small-scale funding can also be important: the World Food Program’s funding for Nepal and Bhutan provides an interesting model for community-based adaptation and agricultural resilience to vulnerable communities.

States can tap the financial and technical resources of the central government, from early warning meteorological systems to centrally sponsored climate schemes. MGNREGA funds can be used for climate adaptation in agriculture, waste management and livelihoods. States can make compensatory payments to local self-government resources being used for climate adaptation. For public pressure to drive climate action, we need to consider climate disasters largely man-made.

Vinod Thomas is a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore. Twitter: @vthomas14