India’s missile system highly safe and secure: Rajnath on accidental firing of missile

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that India gives top priority to the security of its weapon system

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that India gives top priority to the security of its weapon system

India’s missile system is highly secure and secure, and the country’s defense establishment accords top priority to security procedures and protocols, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh told the Rajya Sabha on March 15.

In a statement on the accidental firing of a missile in Pakistan earlier this month, Mr Singh said India attaches top priority to the safety and security of its weapon system.

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He said India’s security procedures and protocols are of the highest standards and its armed forces are well trained and disciplined.

He also said that the government is committed to rectify any deficiencies found in the weapon system after investigating the incident.

Shri Singh said that the missile system of the country is very safe and secure.

“We refer you to the Indian Defense Ministry for any follow-up action,” Price said in response to a question. They issued a statement on March 9 to clarify what had happened. We have no further comment. ”