Indonesia calls for G20 joint ministerial forum to tackle food crisis – Times of India

Nusa Dua: Indonesia’s Finance Minister Mr. Mulyani Indravati on Friday called for a joint forum that includes G-20 The finance and agriculture ministries will take concrete action to deal with the growing food insecurity and the emerging fertilizer supply crisis.
Food insecurity is one of the top issues on the agenda at the G20 meeting of finance leaders in Bali, where the host Indonesia Ukraine is trying to find common ground in a group troubled by mounting economic pressure from war and rising inflation.
Mr Mulyani said the world is facing a dangerous global hunger due to war, export restrictions and the impact of the pandemic. The risk of a fertilizer supply crisis may increase food crisis 2023 and beyond, she said.
Similar joint meetings were held for the finance and health ministries last year to address issues such as uneven Covid-19 vaccine distribution.
“The G20 is successfully doing this for finance and health … we hope that the same thing can be established by strengthening our ability to not only raise funding, but most importantly, policy coordination across countries and international is supported by the organisations,” said Mr. Muliani said.
We treasure At the same meeting, Secretary Janet Yellen called on G20 members to boost their spending to address current food security challenges.
Yellen said that poor families in the poorest countries were most directly affected, stunting development and undermining efforts to eradicate poverty.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was “using food as a weapon of war,” he said, “citing the destruction of agricultural facilities, the theft of grain and agricultural equipment, and the effective blockade of Black Sea ports.”
The war in Ukraine has driven up prices for grain, cooking oil, fuel and fertilizer. Russia’s invasion and maritime blockade have halted exports, leaving dozens of ships stranded and nearly 20 million tons of grain stuck in silos in Odessa.
Moscow called the invasion a “special military operation”.
During the discussion, world trade organization (WTO) Director-General Ngoji Okonjo-Iwela said there was a risk that the food supply could be diverted from poor countries to rich countries, “reiterating experiences with COVID-19 vaccines”.