Instagram is testing new ‘Favorites’ feature that will give users more control

Instagram is testing a new feature that will address a long-standing issue with the application’s feeds. Users will finally get a chance to star their favorite Insta accounts as ‘favourites’. Since the application sorts the posts on the feed using certain algorithms, it may miss updates from close friends or relatives or even your favorite influencers. This new feature will allow users to have better control over their feed.

The new Favorites feature will help move specific users’ content to the “higher” in the user’s feed. This feature was seen and shared by Alessandro Paluzzi through a mobile developer.

In 2017, Instagram was also testing a feature where users could select people who could see their posts. Later, the image-sharing social media platform decided to launch a “close friends” feature for Stories. With its help, Instagram users can select a certain group of close friends who can specifically view the stories shared by the user. It also ensures that those on the close friends list see the story ahead of other stories.

The new ‘Favorites’ feature will allow for better overall control as users will be able to bypass Instagram’s own algorithms by using their likes.

Instagram ranks the order of the feed by the most recent and shared posts from people currently following a user, as well as other “cues” such as how likely a user is to engage with a post.

While you may ‘like’ many of the posts you see, they may not be the content you’re really looking for, but they may be sending all the wrong signals to Instagram that you really want to see in your feed.

Instagram has not officially confirmed whether this feature will come to the stable version of the app. The Facebook-owned company may make some final changes to the feature before it is officially introduced.

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