International Day 2021 for the Protection of the Ozone Layer: Here’s How You Can Protect the Ozone Layer

The depletion of the ozone layer has been a matter of concern as this layer guarantees protection to all living beings on earth. The ozone layer is a gaseous shield that is a very important component in the Earth’s stratosphere. It is responsible for absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun that can cause skin cancer, eye damage, cataracts, immune suppression. and also harm plants and marine life.

In order to preserve the ozone layer and repair the ozone hole, the United Nations signed a Montreal Protocol in 1987 on substances that destroy the ozone layer. World Ozone Day, observed around the world on 16 September, is a commemoration of that important day of the agreement, which reminds us to be responsible individuals to ensure the protection of the ozone layer.

On this International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, let’s familiarize ourselves with the top 5 ways to protect the ozone layer:

1. First, make sure you reduce the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) that are not considered consumable under the Montreal Protocol.

Gases such as CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), halogenated hydrocarbons, methyl bromide and nitrous oxide are threats to the ozone layer.

Refrain from choosing items containing the above mentioned substances. Some cosmetics, hair sprays, room fresheners, chemical fertilizers, cleaning products may contain harmful greenhouse gases and CFCs.

2. Inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment is necessary. provide them with regular service; And if they are 10-15 years old then get rid of them as they are responsible for emitting more ODS.

3. Be extremely careful when disposing of your electrical equipment, and do not damage the cooling circuit as this part contains ODS. ODS from refrigerators and air conditioners must be properly recovered and recycled to ensure that it is not released into the atmosphere. So make sure the disposal is handled by a technician.

4. When buying, you should opt for appliances labeled ‘Energy Star’. Also, buy aerosol products, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment that do not use HCFCs as a refrigerant. Encourage everyone to go for eco-friendly products.

5. Opt for public transport, cycling, walking, car-pooling instead of traveling in private cars whenever possible. Always go for climate-friendly options.

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