Iran urges Greece to cooperate on seized ships without US role

Tehran seized Greek ships on Friday after Athens seized the Iranian-flagged Pega in April. The United States, which has imposed tough sanctions on Iran, confiscated Iranian oil cargo on Pegas.

Iran urged Greece on Tuesday to cooperate in resolving the crisis over the seizure of the ships without involving the United States, following the seizure of an Iranian vessel from Greece and two Greek tankers in the Gulf.

Tehran seized Greek ships on Friday after Athens seized the Iranian-flagged Pega in April. The United States, which has imposed tough sanctions on Iran, confiscated Iranian oil cargo on Pegas.

US and Greek diplomats have called on Iran to immediately release Greek tankers, their cargo and their crew. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington supported its NATO ally Greece “in the face of this unfair seizure”.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh described Washington as “the biggest disruptor of free trade in the world”, saying “Mr. Blinken needs to realize that the era in which the US single-handedly imposed its rules on the world is over.” It is done.”

“Unfortunately, the Greek government has demonstrated that it is more important for them to take orders from a third party…

“I suggest that the Greek government take the legal and judicial route in this regard without any fanfare,” he said, adding that the crew members of the seized Greek ships were in good health and in telephone contact with their families. .

(; Editing by Edmund Blair)

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