Iran: US again warns Iran of ‘other steps’, but says always prioritizes diplomacy – Times of India

Washington: US pointsman on Iran Renewed warning Monday of unspecified action if clerical state does not reverse nuclear moves, but the president said Joe BidenThe administration will always give priority to diplomacy.
Rob Gardener After a week’s visit, he said both European and Gulf Arab countries supported a peaceful solution to ending Iran’s nuclear program.
But he reiterated that the United States had “other options” – a warning given by the Secretary of State Antony Blinken Earlier this month with his Israeli counterpart, who has threatened an attack.
“If we are faced with a world in which we need to do this, we will continue to pursue diplomacy, while pursuing other steps,” Maley told reporters.
He added that the Biden administration believes “this can only be resolved diplomatically.”
“The window of diplomacy is never going to close,” he said.
But on notably renewing the 2015 nuclear deal, Maley said, “the window for negotiations on a return to the JCPOA will not be open forever.”
“This is not a chronological clock, it is a technical clock. At some point, the JCPOA must have been so destroyed because Iran has made progress that cannot be reversed,” he said.
Iran was complying with the 2015 agreement with the former president Barack Obama To greatly reduce his nuclear work until his successor, Donald Trump, withdrew the United States and reimposed sweeping sanctions.
Biden took office, offering a revival of the deal, but six rounds of indirect talks with Iran stalemate as Tehran pushes for a more comprehensive lifting of US sanctions beyond measures issued by Trump.
Malee said, “People sometimes criticize the US for talking about Plan B. The Plan B that we are seeing right now being implemented before our eyes seems to be Iranians who delay talks and their to accelerate the nuclear program.”
“We hope that they will choose another path,” he said, “which will give Iran more economic opportunities and give both the region and the world a greater sense of security.”


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