Iran waives sentences of over 2,200 convicts – Times of India

Tehran: Iran’s supreme leader has pardoned more than 2,200 prisoners, some of whom have been sentenced to death, on the occasion of two important Muslim feasts. Official sources gave this information on Sunday.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Eid al-Adha for “pardoned or reduced sentence for 2,272 convicts” and Ghadiri A statement on their website said religious holidays, both of which fall in this month.
The Supreme Leader regularly grants mass pardons on major religious occasions in coordination with the head of the judiciary.
judiciary website, mizan onlineSaid 43 prisoners were sentenced to death.
Last week, Muslims around the world celebrated Eid al-Adha, which marks the end of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Some 900,000 pilgrims visited the holy sites in Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia for this year’s Hajj, one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
Shia Muslims will celebrate Ghadir, a major religious holiday, on Monday, taking its name from Ghadir-Khom in Saudi Arabia, where Shias believe that Prophet Mohammed Nominated imam ali as his successor.