Is content creation on social media all about fun and games? Vanshdeep Sisodia joins

Image Source: File Image Content creator Vanshdeep Sisodia shares tips and tricks to achieve success

Content creator Vanshdeep Sisodia has achieved what most people don’t in a short span of time. From being a member of the RealMe crew and creating an after-movie for Lakme Fashion Week to collaborating with Cordelia Cruz, he has been a part of several big projects. However, he revealed that creating content for digital platforms is not all about fun and games. He says, “Being a content creator sounds very flattering and cool but honestly, it takes a lot not only creatively but also mentally and psychologically. So, I think one needs to know What they need is what they can face, because it can help them be a little more prepared.”

Here are some harsh realities that Vanshdeep feels are a part of following one’s passion-

  • persistent self-doubt Content is like a travel buddy on the road to creation. Many times people fail in the beginning and they get less responses which makes them feel that they are not good enough. However, according to Vanshdeep receiving praise or criticism is a part of the whole journey as creativity is not the same for all.
  • fluctuating income Content is a key point, especially at the beginning of the journey. Income from social media takes time and even brand collaborations can be volatile. Hence Vanshdeep’s advice is to save money beforehand so that investing in new options in the future doesn’t feel too scary.
  • content creation is fun but also fear of success Lives in the creators. That’s why content creators enjoy but with a scared mind. Vanshdeep says, “Whenever I go out with my friends and try to have fun, we mostly do so out of fear. Sometimes, if we spend 2-3 days without working and just relaxing, thoughts start coming in our mind that why are we having fun, we should work at this point. Otherwise someone will snatch the opportunity.
  • Intrinsic Motivation with Discipline Very important. No one can be forced to be indoctrinated or disciplined for something with which they do not feel a sense of belonging. Therefore, when one is naturally motivated to work, then only one can be disciplined.
  • sacrificing family time Commuting to work and vice versa is a very common problem that Vanshdeep believes every content creator faces. Juggling work and family is a tiring task, it takes time to explain the nitty-gritty of work to your family and to arrange work time to have family time as well.
  • While working in a creativity driven industry, Comparison with other content manufacturers Or other cast is a normal repetition. This definitely hurts anyone because no one likes comparisons.
  • every man has a friend procrastination, and procrastination is a hindrance to creative flow. Hence, one needs to ensure that they do not procrastinate to such an extent that they forget their thoughts, miss deadlines or get late to work.
  • While everyone is worried about social media followers or subscribers, Vanshdeep says,Numbers don’t define your work on social media But numbers matter on social media”
  • all salute the rising sunBut nobody cares about the drowning. This is the most important hard lesson that needs to be learned.

Hence, Vanshdeep Singh Sisodia believes that there were certain difficulties that every content creator has to face at least once in their journey. However, nothing is a bed of roses, and to get the best rose, its thorns also have to be dealt with.

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