Is Covid-19 causing heart problems among people? What do health experts say

According to health experts, COVID-19 is responsible for the recent increase in cases of heart attacks among young people in India. Although COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory or lung disease, the heart can also suffer, he says.

The impact of COVID-19 on the heart may be related to the key protein the virus uses to enter cells. Nature, the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal, said it binds to a protein called ACE2, which can be found on the surfaces of dozens of types of human cells.

So, is covid leading heart issues among the people? Livemint spoke to health experts to learn more about it.

Ruchi Shah, Interventional Cardiologist, Masina Hospital, Mumbai said that if a patient with pre-existing heart disease develops COVID-19, he is at higher risk than the possibility of overnight complications and death.

“These patients are usually those who have multiple concomitant diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, maybe they have kidney disease or old age or many other health conditions,” Ruchit said.

It has been observed in patients who develop COVID 19, they have an increased risk of heart attack, heart disease, sudden cardiac arrest.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the omen that many patients who develop COVID-19 also develop troponin elevations, worsening of 2D, heart function in echocardiography, ejection fraction, and cardiac MRI. also worsens. These patients when subjected to coronary angiography or called for a fresh heart attack. And these fresh heart attacks are directly related to the complications, morbidity and mortality of all these patients,” Dr Ruchit said.

We have seen in many patients who have developed COVID-19, they have had a heart attack. “The unfortunate thing in COVID is that when we address a massive heart attack with an emergency angioplasty, there is a high tendency for these things to happen again because of the proton morphic phenomenon and the formation of clots. That’s why we had to make changes in the treatment of patients who had COVID 19 and had a heart attack. We initially tried to immobilize the patient with drugs and injections and later once the thrombus load subsided, we went ahead with the patient’s angioplasty,” explained Dr Ruchi Shah.

Dr. Chandrashekhar Kulkarni, Consultant, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery [CVTS] Parel at the Global Hospital in Mumbai said that during both the Kovid waves, we have seen a decrease in the number of heart attack patients in the hospital. But many patients who had covid infection had heart problems.

He added that in patients with pre-existing heart disease, there is an increased risk of complications and death if they develop COVID-19.

india covid tally

India is seeing a decline in the number of cases of covid Reported on daily basis. 9,436 new COVID-19 cases were reported on Sunday. With this, the number of infections in India rose to 4,44,08,132, while the number of active cases decreased to 86,591, according to the data updated by the Union Health Ministry on Sunday.

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