Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extra Healthy? 7 benefits of using extra virgin olive oil

Even though traditional cooking methods in India use mustard oil for every dish, this Italian twist has now become popular among mothers as well. Fitness enthusiast or not, olive oil has become a popular choice for everyone. It’s full of antioxidants and heart-healthy fats, and it’s easy to use for roasting, frying, baking or frying, making it the best choice.

If you haven’t already discovered the health benefits of olive oil, you’re about to do so. It’s always surprising when something so incredibly delightful turns out to be extremely beneficial for you. The manufacturing process is easy. Although they can be pressed to obtain olive oil, more recent techniques involve crushing the olives, mashing them, and then using a machine to separate the oil from the pulp. The three main grades of olive oil include:

– refined olive oil

– Virgin olive oil

– extra pure olive oil

health benefits of extra virgin olive oil

1. Rich in Antioxidants

The oleic acid and antioxidants found in olive oil may help reduce inflammation. This may be the primary reason for the health benefits of olive oil.

2. Promotes Heart Health

According to studies, oils containing 1 1/2 teaspoons of oleic acid, such as olive oil, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, as long as they replace foods high in saturated fat and do not increase as a result. it occurs. in daily caloric intake.

3. May Reduce the Risk of Certain Types of Cancer

According to earlier studies, women who consume the most extra virgin olive oil have a lower risk of breast and colon cancer. Oleic acid, hydroxytyrosol, oleocanthal, phytosterols and squalene are some of the components of olive oil that have proven anti-cancer properties.

4. Supports a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Having healthy gut bacteria is in your best interest as it affects everything from digestion to mood to the look of the skin! The polyphenols in olive oil may reduce inflammation of the GI tract and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

5. Enhances bone health + strength

Researchers speculate that olive oil’s anti-inflammatory polyphenols may trigger mechanisms that help prevent bone breakdown and encourage bone formation.

6. Balances Blood Sugar and May Help Prevent Diabetes

Anyone aiming to avoid or control type 2 diabetes should include healthy fats in their diet. According to studies, people who consumed the most olive oil had lower fasting blood sugar and were significantly less likely to develop diabetes.

7. Can Help You Lose Weight

Another incentive to forgo your fat-free salad dressings in favor of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and vinegar is that olive oil helps keep blood sugar levels stable and thus suppress those cravings. which can otherwise result in overeating and weight gain.

Sadly, centuries old potato paratha is also being made with olive oil.

(Disclaimer: This information is based on general information. Zee News does not confirm this.)