Is heatwave making you lethargic? 5 ways to stay active during summer

Image Source : FREEPIK Ways to stay active during summer.

Summer is a time to relax and soak up the sun, but with the recent heatwave, many of us are feeling more sluggish and lethargic than usual. The intense heat can make it difficult to stay active, leading to a decrease in our energy levels and overall productivity. However, staying active during a heatwave is not only important for our physical health but also for our mental well-being. 

Here are the five ways to stay active and beat the heat during this scorching summer.

Embrace Outdoor Activities in the Early Morning or Late Evening

During a heatwave, the hottest parts of the day are usually between 11 am and 4 pm. This is when the sun is at its peak, and the temperatures are at their highest. It’s important to avoid strenuous physical activities during these hours as it can be harmful to your health. Instead, try to plan your outdoor activities in the early morning or late evening when the temperatures are cooler.

Stay Hydrated

One of the most important things to remember during a heatwave is to stay hydrated. When our body loses too much water through sweating, it can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue and lethargy. Therefore, it’s crucial to drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Find Indoor Alternatives

If the heat is too intense, it’s best to find indoor alternatives for your usual outdoor activities. This can include going to a gym, taking an aerobics or dance class, or even working out at home. Nowadays most gyms and fitness studios offer air-conditioned environments, making it easier to exercise without feeling overheated.

Take Frequent Breaks

When planning your outdoor activities, make sure to schedule breaks every 15-20 minutes. Use this time to rest in the shade or take shelter in an air-conditioned area. This will allow your body to cool down and prevent any potential heat-related illnesses. Don’t feel guilty about taking breaks – they are necessary for your safety and well-being.

Stay Cool with Water Activities

What better way to stay active during a heatwave than by cooling off with some water activities? Head to the pool or the beach and engage in some swimming, water aerobics, or even a game of water volleyball. Not only will you be getting a workout, but you will also be able to beat the heat and have some fun in the process.

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