Is liquorice good for indigestion? The answer may surprise you

Let us all agree that age-old methods of treating common health problems are back again. In recent years, we have seen the return of many traditional ingredients and “home remedies”. Many of us are returning to our roots in search of ingredients that have stood the test of time and been shown to be healthy. There’s an Herb Our Grandparents Swear By ‘Muleti’ (also known as Mulethi or Mulethi), and we have also become aware of its many benefits. For the uninitiated, licorice (licorice) root is grown throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. It is an herb that is used in making various dishes and beverages as well as cough candy. Licorice can help with anything from gastrointestinal disorders to infections like cold and cough, as well as high sugar and blood pressure.

Photo Credit: Instagram: Lavneet Batra

Celebrity nutritionist Lavneet Batra explains how this herb can help with indigestion and constipation. According to Lovneet Batra, licorice water helps relieve muscle spasms and gastrointestinal inflammation, both of which can lead to indigestion.

Also Read: 5 Magical Home Remedies For Cold You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet

licorice for home remedies

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How to consume licorice root? , How do you drink licorice root?

Licorice root can be consumed in three ways:

  1. To make licorice root tea, take a cup of hot water and add a licorice root to it. Allow the root to soak in hot water for 5 minutes. Sieve and serve. You can also use this drink to ease indigestion and constipation and to soothe sore throats.
  2. If you do not like to drink its tea. You can simply chew licorice root.
  3. You can make a powder of the root and add it to your tea or hot milk. Simple yet effective.

Apart from indigestion and constipation, licorice can help with many other health problems. Wondering what they are? Just have a look

Also Read: Why Mulethi (Liquor) Is Considered A Winter Superfood – Expert Shares


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Here are some more benefits of licorice root (or mulethi):

1. Cures cold and cough

According to Lovneet Batra, licorice is effective in treating cold and cough, especially dry cough. Due to its natural bronchodilator properties, it is an effective ingredient for treating symptoms related to asthma In winter.

2. Prevents menstrual cramps

Licorice has antispasmodic effects, which are known to act as a muscle relaxant. It also reduces restlessness and helps prevent cramps.

3. Supports Gut-Health

The two active components found in licorice are glycyrrhizin and carbenoxolone. Apart from providing relief from constipation, abdominal pain, heartburn, acidity and other stomach problems, these compounds can also help prevent gastric and peptic ulcers.

so what are you waiting for? Try this water or root in the morning on an empty stomach and see the change. Please share your experience in the comment section.

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