Is social anxiety keeping you away from parties? Check out these useful tips

The fear of being around a large group of people is known as social anxiety or social phobia. A person who often suffers from social anxiety has an inappropriate or excessive fear of social interactions or situations and prefers to be alone. It stems from the fear of being judged, criticized or seen by others. Sometimes social anxiety flares up on the day of a party or just before your doorbell rings. These five tips will help you calm down and recover from it:

control your breathing

Anxiety can bring about changes in your body that are unpleasant. For example, your breathing may become rapid and shallow. You may experience tension, dizziness or suffocation. That’s why you should keep one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

start small

Don’t rush into big social gatherings. Make restaurant reservations with friends or family members to get used to eating in public. Try to go out of your way to make eye contact and say hello to strangers on the street or at the grocery store. If someone talks to you, ask about their hobbies or favorite places to visit.

use your senses

Sight, sound, smell, touch and taste are all senses that can help you relax when you are anxious. Looking at a picture close to your heart or smelling a particular scent can also help you relax. The next time you’re worried about a social situation, try listening to your favorite song, chewing a tasty piece of gum, or snuggling up with a pet.

don’t drink too much

In general, alcohol and parties go hand in hand. A few glasses of wine can act as an anti-anxiety medication and help a person with anxiety to relax, you should keep a check and avoid drinking too much.


Making plans for social situations that cause you anxiety can help you feel more confident. You may feel compelled to avoid certain situations because they worry you. Instead, be prepared.

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