Is the new front ready to take on the BJP? In focus for ‘united’ opposition, KCR clarifies on 2024 plan

Amid efforts to unify the anti-BJP front ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Wednesday made it clear that the country does not need new political fronts and the need of the hour is an alternative political agenda.

Speaking at the 21st anniversary celebrations of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), Rao said proposals were coming in to form a “Bharat Rashtra Samithi” and discussions were being held to convert it into a national party.

KCR, popularly known as the Chief Minister, said that India has not lived up to the expectations of the people even after 75 years of independence.

“See how Singapore is developing with limited resources. They import clay from Indonesia. What is the problem with India? Our leaders were not in a position to utilize our resources. The aspirations of our people were not fulfilled. This is a fact,” Rao said.

Emphasizing on water wars even after “availability of 65,000 TMC” and usage “less than 30,000 TMC”, Rao said that despite abundant resources, power and water problems exist in the country.

He said that Telangana is the fastest growing state in India in all aspects and it will be a proud moment for all if Hyderabad sets the agenda of qualitative change in the country.

Meanwhile, in the meeting, the TRS will pass a resolution calling for a fight against the central government over the alleged violation of the federal structure.

TRS will also pass a resolution demanding control of price hike, 33 per cent reservation for women in the legislature, congratulating the state government for buying paddy from farmers, and asking the central government to implement the Dalit Bandhu scheme across the country. Demanding the Center to determine the reservation percentage according to the social conditions of Telangana, tax within the divisible pool from the Center and Telangana’s share in the Krishna waters, and asking the Center to set up new Navodaya schools and others.

The event is also expected to sound the election bugle for the 2023 state assembly elections, with the ruling party setting its eyes for a third consecutive term since coming to power in 2014, when the state came into existence.

Established on 27 April 2001 to demand the formation of an independent Telangana state, the TRS achieved its objective with the bifurcation of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh on 2 June 2014.

The meeting assumes significance with the chief minister playing a key role in national politics and swiftly taking steps to form an anti-BJP bloc ahead of the 2024 general elections.

The party has roped in the Indian Political Action Committee (I-PAC), once headed by election strategist Prashant Kishor, to help the party in the coming elections. I-PAC had earlier engaged with AAP, TMC and DMK.

The party may make announcements on its foundation day keeping in mind the elections to be held next year.

(with inputs from agencies)

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